Shed Day 19th Feb, Cranbourne
At our last coffee meet we had a bit of a gathering of CBX owners. Colin Frost was very pleased with the turnout & has invited members of our club to his upcoming “Shed Day and BBQ” as follows.
Sunday 19th February. CBX Club and VJMC
Shed Day and BBQ at Colin Frost’s house in Cranbourne. We kick off at 10.30am, soft drinks and salads supplied.
If you are interested in attending please RSVP Trevor Lock on 0420 832961 or since we need get an idea of numbers (and buy meat for the BBQ). He’ll forward you the address in Cranbourne.
You don’t have to arrive on a CBX, it’s a general get together and a chance to meet other enthusiasts.
Note: There will be NO SIGNING of forms at this or any other meet. This is a social event.